L'Icam Formations Vie à l'Icam International Entreprise Recherche

Black Belt Lean Management – 14 days


Become a Lean and continuous improvement coordinator for your company

The Lean coordinator ensures the cultural development of continuous improvement within the company. He is the guarantor of progress methods and tools. He/she pilots Lean projects and supports both management and staff in putting operational excellence into practice.

The Black Belt Lean Management training program enables you to become :

  • Lean Management Manager
  • Continuous Improvement Manager
  • Internal Lean Consultant
  • Lean Manager


CQP Lean and Continuous Improvement Coordinator (CQPM) registered with the RNCP under number 36614


Details of the program can be found in the training sheet.

The pedagogical objectives of this training course are :

  • Manage a Lean approach within a company
  • Manage teams and processes using a Lean approach
  • Implement Lean tools and methods
  • Passing on Lean knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills.

Next course date: March 07, 2024
Registration deadline: February 21, 2024

  • A school-company: An exceptional 500 m2 professional environment, unrivalled in France, integrates a traditional production line as well as a 5.0 production line, offering the possibility of recreating a variety of professional environments such as production, logistics, maintenance, quality, customer service and industry 5.0. The training program emphasizes a practical approach, representing 70% of the curriculum, complemented by 30% of theoretical instruction. The essence of the concept lies in the application of Lean to real-life situations, enabling the acquisition of skills through direct experimentation and the development of know-how under authentic conditions.
  • Expert speakers: professionals (site managers, Lean managers, HR managers, etc.) share their knowledge and experience of Lean.
  • Dematerialized content: all courses and working documents made available online to trainees
  • Company visits: visits to companies at different stages of Lean implementation
  • Individual support for the Lean and Continuous Improvement Coordinator CQPM: each trainee will be personally supervised by a Lean specialist in preparation for his or her CQPM, including a visit to the company, help with writing the technical file and dissertation, and preparation for the viva voce.

Participants in the 22-day Lean Management training program, or the 14-day Lean Management training program, have the opportunity to be registered by Icam for the CQPM « Lean and Continuous Improvement Coordinator » certification of the UIMM, registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) under number 36614.

Certification is awarded by a joint UIMM jury made up of Lean experts, following successful completion of a certification process involving the drafting of a technical file, the creation of a dissertation, and a defense (requiring around 100 hours of personal work).

During this process, participants use their company’s Lean projects to present their CQPM. It is emphasized that the projects carried out must be consistent with the company’s vision, thus avoiding the implementation of projects of no interest to the company.

Throughout the training and certification process, each participant receives individual support from a Lean expert, including visits to the company, assistance with writing, and white paper sessions.



Industrial managers or directors (production, methods, quality, supply chain, continuous improvement), people in charge of piloting the Lean approach.


Baccalaureate level and/or one year’s experience in a position in the business sector or department corresponding to the specialization covered during the course (Management, Manufacturing, Office, etc.). Lean level Green Belt Lean Manufacturing prerequisite.

Costs and financing


The cost of the course is €11,100 net of tax per person.

This course is eligible for the Compte Personnel de Formation (CPF).


Whatever your professional training project, our team of advisors will help you define it, prepare your application and finance it. Whether you’re a company or your project is a personal initiative, we’ll look at your various options together.

You can also take stock of your situation and your projects thanks to the Conseil en Evolution Professionnelle (CEP). This free, personalized support service is available to anyone wishing to take stock of their professional situation and plans. It enables you to draw up a professional development project (retraining, taking over or creating a new business). The CEP is open to job-seekers, private-sector employees, self-employed workers, craftsmen, self-employed professionals and self-employed entrepreneurs.

Funding your formation ! 

Terms and conditions of sale.


We obtained CERTIMETAL accreditation in July 2022..


Ils font l'Icam
« L’Icam ? Le meilleur choix que j’ai fait ! » – Margaux, en 5e année du parcours intégré Après 5 belles années à l’Icam, Margaux et Pierre-Antoine nous racontent leurs meilleurs souvenirs passés sur le campus de Grand Paris Sud. Une expérience qui les a enrichis.
Stanislas Tran-Minh, élève ingénieur à l’Icam la semaine et passionné d’escalade le week-end
Retour d’expérience sur les deux premières années du parcours ouvert Bertille et Benjamin nous font part de leur expérience dans le parcours ouvert, nouveau parcours de formation à l'Icam Basé sur une pédagogie innovante, le parcours ouvert promeut le travail en groupe, l’apprentissage par projet et l’ouverture à l’international.

Accréditations et labels
