Motivating young students: evaluating the impact of a board game on industrial jobs
Master thesis- Axe :
- Transition sociétale et technologique des entreprises
- Site :
- Lille
- Nature :
- Master thesis
- Personne(s) encadrante(s) :
- Laurent Falque
For two years, the Sens & Travail Chair has been developing a board game for students from the 7th to the 12th grade. This game which takes place in three stages has been tested for the first two. The third stage remains to be observed and analyzed. Concretely, it is a question of understanding how the young people will talk about their motivations for a profession, after having played.
Description of the project:
The main teachers and guidance counsellors will promote the game. It is an interactive game with a first session of brainstorming and videos; a second one during which the young people play in teams of eight and a third one during which they work on their motivations for a future profession.
After having taken note of the way the game is played in high schools and colleges in the Hauts de France region, a methodology for measuring the impact of the game is to be established. Then the evaluation of the game on the motivations will be practiced in some representative high schools and colleges.
The interlocutors of the project are the guidance specialists of Onisep, the teachers, the guidance counselors and the young people themselves.
A report measuring the impact of the game on motivation and career orientation
- Compétences requises :
A taste for method, rigor. Interviewing and analysis skills. Use both qualitative and quantitative method of impact measurement.